Want a drink? Then don’t drive

The Irish Advanced Motorists / IAM Fleet has this week issued a simple reminder to keep safe on the road this Christmas: if you are going to drive, then don’t drink.

With the season’s festivities upon us, between Christmas parties and family get-togethers we can all get a bit carried away. Christmas can be a time of over-indulgence and the odd tipple to toast the festive season is all too easy.

Irish Advanced Motorists says that even the smallest amount of alcohol can affect a driver’s ability to drive. People’s tolerances to alcohol are different depending on factors such as their weight, metabolism, gender, age, what they have eaten, their stress levels and the amount of alcohol they have taken.

So remember that house party measures will be much larger than those typically served in pubs. A driver who thinks that they have had “just one” could be very much over the drink-drive limit and be unaware of it.

Alcohol remains in your system the next day, and for how long depends on all of the factors mentioned above. Make a point of leaving your car keys at home if you are going to a party. Unless you have made alternative transport arrangements, those car keys may tempt you to get behind the wheel when you shouldn’t.

For more information please visit www.irishadvancedmotorists.ie


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