A qualified medical doctor practising naturopathy, Dr Bhatti, will hold natural and complementary clinics in Claremorris at Cúram Family Centre on Dalton Street, beside St Coleman’s Church, on Wednesday September 18 and 25 from 11am to 3.30pm. Having treated people from Mayo for the last decades at his Galway clinic, and due to increased demand, he will travel to Claremorris to make it more convenient for patients to access his services.
“Mayo people have been travelling to my clinics in Galway for some years now and I wanted to make it easier for them to meet me, so we are coming to Claremorris in the coming weeks,” said Dr. Bhatti who has practised in the west of Ireland nearly 25 years.
Dr Bhatti established the Clinic of Complementary and Natural Medicine in 1989, currently based at The Liosbaun Clinic, Tuam Road, Galway city, with patients travelling from all over Ireland and abroad to avail of his unique approach and natural therapies.
Providing the next generation in non-invasive acupuncture and laser acupuncture combining one of the oldest heeling practices in the world with modern technology, this stimulates specific points of the body to restore and maintain health. Dr Bhatti has had great successes with this treatment for people with back and shoulder pain, skin conditions like eczema, acne, psoriasis and stress as well tiredness.
Parking is free of charge at Cúram Family Centre. Contact Evelyn on 091 761 816 to book your appointment or email queries to info@theliosbaunclinic.com. View www.theliosbaunclinic.com for more information.