Console opens new service in Ballina

Console, the national suicide charity, officially opened a new Outreach Service in the Family Resource Centre, Ballina last week.

Console is a nationwide suicide prevention and bereavement charity which offers counselling services and 24-hour helpline support to people in crisis and those bereaved by suicide.

In 2012, Console introduced services based in Swinford although since then, demand for professional counselling in the area has steadily increased. The new Ballina service is available every Monday in the Family Resource Centre in Abbey Street, Ardnaree, Ballina.

“When a family, community or workplace loses someone close to suicide, it is crucial that they are afforded the right information, resources, support or, sometimes, a professional counselling service” said Console’s founder and CEO Paul Kelly.

“We have received so many requests to provide additional support throughout Mayo, and that is why we are extending our services here. In launching this outreach service, we hope we can support the community in a much wider capacity,” said Mr Kelly. “The community here has been extremely supportive of us in recent years, and we would like to sincerely thank everyone who has helped allow this important extension of services happen.”

The Console Freephone helpline 1800 201 890 is open 24 hours every day and is available to anyone in distress, concerned about suicide, bereaved by suicide or worried about a loved one.


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