In Humbert’s Footsteps at the Linenhall

As part of the In Humbert’s Footsteps Gathering Event, the Linenhall Arts Centre in Castlebar is delighted to present ’98 Recalled, a unique and fascinating exhibition of distinctive and previously unseen artefacts (many from private collections ) and associated information pertaining to the 1798 Rebellion in Ireland, and French General Humbert’s expedition in particular. The collection of artefacts includes a selection of 1798 pikeheads, a French bayonet discovered at site of Battle of Ballinamuck, and the hat and sword belonging to French Captain Truc (who was appointed Town Commander of Ballina by General Humbert ). The exhibition is presented in association with the In Humbert’s Footsteps Gathering Event Castlebar Committee. The exhibition, which takes place in the Linenhall’s Theatre space, runs until Saturday, August 24.

Big band music in Swinford

If you enjoy big band music then Swinford Show is the place to be on Saturday, August 17 as the show hosts its silver jubilee event. The chairman of the Swinford Show, Martin Peyton, said: “We are delighted and proud that the Department of Defence are sending the Army Band west to play at our show as we celebrate our milestone year. The band under the baton of Captain Declan Whitson will bring their superb musical ability, colour, and pageantry to Swinford on the day to add to a great day.” The day was always going to be special, said the chairman, as the committee members were putting in a special effort to mark the occasion, but now it was going to be even more special. The show this year is being staged at a new venue, namely the PND Business Park which is situated on the Swinford to Foxford road.

Mischa’s Wish to Walk fundraiser

The Mischa's Wish To Walk charity will host a fund-raising night in the Castlecourt Hotel on August 29. Music on the night will be provided by Wavelength followed by DJ Benen Tierney. Things kick off from 9.30pm and will run until late. Tickets cost €10.

To Market, To Market in Castlebar

To Market, To Market, an unusual, engaging, and evocative exhibition of shoe sculptures by New Zealand-born artist Ruth Pettus, continues at the Linenhall Arts Centre in Castlebar.

The exhibition was inspired by the Linenhall’s former existence as the original marketing area for the sale of flax grown in Mayo during the 18th and 19th centuries. Ruth Pettus is an Anglo-American artist living in Baltimore, Maryland. She has exhibited widely in the US, and also in Spain and Russia. The exhibition runs until Saturday August 24.


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