Garda recruitment will strengthen force – O’Mahony

Fine Gael TD for Mayo, John O’Mahony has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Justice and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, that An Garda Síochána will begin hiring new recruits early next year.

“It is important that we keep the number of Gardaí on the force above the 13,000 mark to ensure the continued safety of the people of this country and this is something I have raised on number of occasions with the Minister,” said Deputy O’Mahony.

“This also presents a great opportunity for young people who want to serve in the Gardaí but have been unable to join the force over the last number of years due to the recruitment embargo.

“Today’s announcement demonstrates the commitment of this Government to maintaining the strength of the force. The Gardaí play an enormously important role in society and it is important that we as a Government do everything in our power to ensure that they have the resources required to protect the people of this country.”


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