Taoiseach must set the record straight on false ‘tax haven’ claims - Calleary

Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Jobs, Dara Calleary, has accused the Government of sleep-walking through false and destructive claims that Ireland is a tax haven.

Deputy Calleary has described the claims by a US Senate sub-committee as potentially seriously damaging for the Irish economy, and has called for political leadership to set the record straight.

“These are highly destructive and completely false claims and I am dismayed by the lack of any meaningful response from the Government. While the diplomatic intervention from Ambassador Michael Collins was certainly welcome, such political charges made by US senators require a political response at the highest level,” Dep Calleary said.

“The benefit of US multinational investment in Ireland cannot be overestimated. There are approximately 100,000 people directly employed by US multinationals in Ireland with thousands more jobs indirectly supported. This Government has a responsibility to protect those jobs and protect what is a key driver of economic growth in this country.

“If the Government means what it says about jobs being its top priority, why has there been no intervention from the Taoiseach, Tánaiste or Jobs Minister to set the record straight on Ireland’s corporation tax? And if the Government means what it says about the importance of Ireland’s international reputation, why has the response to this controversy been sluggish and half-hearted?

“I am calling on the Jobs Minister Richard Bruton to go to the US without delay and meet with congressional leaders directly to clear this up once and for all,” Dep Calleary said.


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