Ballina food store given four weeks to comply with HSE order

A retail grocery premises in Ballina has been given four weeks to carry out remedial works as a result of a HSE order.

A HSE inspection of Taste the World, Unit 5, Market Square, Ballina, which is owned by Katarzyna Kapecka, was carried out on April 5 2012. The staff were asked to comply with certain requirements as regards having everything labelled on products in English, the production of a suppliers list, and dealing with hole in a back wall in the premises. The store was again inspected on July 9 2012 and these aspects were not dealt with. The shop was issued with an improvement notice on July 12 and given four months to comply. On December 10 2012 another inspection took place, nothing had been complied with. Finally another inspection took place this month—there had been no improvements made.

Solicitor for the client told Ballina District Court that Ms Kapecka wants to comply and asked for four weeks in order to comply with the requirements.

Judge Mary Devins granted the order for remedial works to be carried out.


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