No toxic chemicals used in Bee Green cleaners

Bee Green started a laundry business in 1999 in Westport and became agent for a dry cleaning company to offer an extra service to its customers. It added to its business with shops in Castlebar, Belmullet, and Galway.

Bee Green offers a unique service—having clients’ garments cared for ensuring that no toxic chemicals are used in cleaning, therefore it is better for everyone’s health and the environment we all share.

The chemical used in traditional drycleaners is ‘Perc’ (perchloroethylene ) and is described in it own safety data sheet as anticipated to be carcinogenic to humans, and it carries lots of other health risks, prolonged contact with it is extremely dangerous. When handling this product users need to be gowned up with a face shield, goggles, protective suit, and special gloves. The use of perc is now banned in 17 states in the USA. It is recommended that clients should not wear a traditionally cleaned garment for 13 days after collection and to store it without its plastic in a very ventilated area.

All of the research the team at Bee Green did when deciding to do their own drycleaning led them to the conclusion that there will be no involvement for them in the use of perc.

Staff are very proud of the service they offer at Be Green. They can take care of all garments in a safe and environmentally prudent way.

For more information visit , or contact Westport (098 56050 ); Castlebar (094 902 1354 ); Belmullet (091 773 879 ); Galway (091 773 879 ).


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