Parke Arts and Drama group are back on stage

Parke Arts and Drama presents The Maiden Aunt, a hilarious three act comedy written by Jimmy Keary and directed by Michael Rice. The Maiden Aunt tells the story of Dan and Mary Murphy as they play host to Mary's elderly aunt, the formidable Gertie O'Grady who is convalescing after a spell in hospital. With high hopes of getting into Aunt Gertie's will Dan and Mary find they have their work cut out for them and when Gertie apparently ‘dies’ Dan comes up with an elaborate plan to get their hands on her money. Meanwhile Dan and Mary's son John Paul, an aspiring musician, is busy planning on hitting the big time.

The Maiden Aunt is Parke Arts and Drama group's fifth production. Founded in 2008, the group has gone from strength to strength since. In 2011 all the hard work was rewarded when the group won the Mayo County Council Amateur Drama Award for their production of Sam Cree's Cupid Wore Skirts. The group has also contributed more than €3,500 to charity since being established. Among those to benefit have been: Western Alzheimers, Hospice Uganda, Parke NS, Enable Ireland, and Mayo Autism Action.

This year's production sees some fresh blood take to the stage. John Daly takes on the huge role of Dan Murphy, Ger Minogue plays the part of John Paul, Fiona Campbell plays the glamorous Caroline, and Karen Conway plays the diligent solicitor Paula Moore. Of course there are some recognisable faces from previous productions on stage too. The brilliant Trina Healy and Richie Wynne take on the roles of Mary Murphy and Francie Gilhooley. Emily Connor plays John Paul's friend Jacinta. Gertie O'Grady is played by the fantastic Brid Quinn. The group was also delighted this year to welcome Michael Rice as director.

The Maiden Aunt will be on stage from next Thursday, February 28, until Saturday, March 2 in Parke Community Centre. The show starts at 8.30pm with doors opening at 8pm. Tickets are €10 and are on sale now and can be booked from Ann Connor on 094 9031128 (after 6pm ).


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