Eliminate emotional barriers to lose weight

A poll of psychologists has cited emotions as the top obstacle to weight loss.

The amount of ways there are on offer to lose weight would confuse the average punter, however, in a January 2013 poll from the home of obesity—the USA—the research findings indicate that clients’ “emotions” are the big obstacle to losing and more importantly keeping off the weight when trying to live a normal lifestyle.

Ninety two per cent of the 306 respondents who provide weight loss treatment reported helping a client “address underlying emotional issues related to weight gain.”

More than 70 per cent identified cognitive therapy, problem-solving and mindfulness as “excellent” or “good” weight loss strategies. In addition, motivational strategies, keeping behavioural records and goal-setting were also important in helping clients to lose weight and keep it off, according to survey results.

“Anyone who has ever tried to lose a few pounds and keep them off knows that doing so isn’t easy. The good news is that research and clinical experience have shown that, in addition to behavioural approaches, cognitive behavioural therapy that targets emotional barriers helps people lose weight,” said Norman B Anderson, PhD, chief executive officer of the American Psychological Association.

So give yourself a real chance to change for good and address the underlying issue that keeps you from obtaining the body you really want.

Mind and Body Solutions features a therapist trained in CBT, motivational interviewing, reality therapy, and the very latest in NLP mind coaching for successful elimination of the barriers that so often stop us losing weight for good. Contact Mind and Body Solutions at 085 763 7059.


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