Irish Wheelchair Association is asking you to donate €2 this Christmas

The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA ) works with people with physical disabilities including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, amputation, muscular dystrophy, stroke victims, and other conditions which limit mobility. Mayo Services include day services, respite services, accessible transport, accessible driving school and the assisted living service (ALS ).

The ALS operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year providing highly trained personal assistants to support individuals to live independently in their own homes. IWA’s personal assistants support individuals to get up in the morning and to go to bed at night, with meal preparation, personal care and to access the community, including education and employment. IWA works in the background in every county in Ireland ensuring their members and services users have the necessary support to live life to the full and to remain independent.

The Irish Wheelchair Association is a charity which receives funding support from the HSE but relies on its voluntary fundraising to maintain services in your community.

By donating just €2 to the Irish Wheelchair Association you will make a difference to people living with a disability in your community this Christmas. To support IWA and the work they carry out, please Text “DONATE” to 57802, each text will cost €2 and be charged to your mobile phone account or deducted from your mobile phone credit. IWA receives a minimum of €1.40 from Vodafone, O2 and Meteor texts. Visit or call Juliette Gallagher, Fundraising Development Officer, on 087 9975459 for more details.


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