Finn calls on Government to reconsider Garda station closures

Independent Councillor Richard Finn has hit out at what he called ''the cynical, heartless, and counterproductive Government decision to close up to 100 Garda Stations”.

“These closures are predominantly in rural and isolated communities, which furthers the suspicion that this Government is intent on abandoning rural Ireland to the mercy of roaming gangs of thugs and robbers while Government Ministers and rural TDs elected on the promise of protecting rural communities, retreat to the safety and comfort of well policed cities,” Cllr Finn said.

“I am particularly angered at the proposed six closures in Mayo as most are in communities with many elderly residents living alone and isolated. How can Enda Kenny and other Fine Gael TDs in Mayo sit down to their Christmas dinners in peace, knowing that in Mayo and elsewhere elderly men and women living alone may be dreading the knock on the door or the sound of a car, due to decisions made by a Fine Gael led Government and announced in the most cynical manner possible, during the Budget speech.

“It is a black day for rural Ireland when leaders can make decisions that further asset strip rural communities. If any Fine Gael or Labour TD in Mayo or elsewhere has any shame left then this decision is indeed shameful and they should hang their heads for supporting it. I hope people remember this black day when these same people appear again looking for votes,” he concluded.


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