Fianna Fáil calls on Taoiseach to approve Sacred Heart Hospital survival plan

Mayo Fianna Fail representative, Lisa Chambers, has called on Taoiseach Enda Kenny to act immediately on this week's report setting out the future of the Sacred Heart Hospital in Castlebar.

Ms Chambers said that the report, which calls for an investment of €10m to save the facility from closure in 2015, must be a priority for him and his Government. “Fianna Fáil welcomes these proposals which if implemented will guarantee the hospital's long term future as an 88 bed nursing home,” she said.

“The report puts an end to the confusion and uncertainty which has marked the Fine Gael response to the Sacred Heart crisis over recent months,” Ms Chambers continued.

“The people of Castlebar and Mayo are now looking forward to the necessary approval by the Taoiseach to secure the hospital's future,” but Ms Chambers warned that time is running out, and that an immediate and positive response is required.

She said that the choice was stark - either invest the required €10m to save the hospital's future now, or face certain closure in 2015 when the hospital's current registration runs out.

“ The time for talking is over. There are no more excuses to hide behind. The future of the Sacred Heart hospital is in the balance.”


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