An open information evening on how to start a career in accounting will take place in Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT ), Dublin Road campus (café foyer ), Galway on Thursday November 29 at 7pm.
Lecturing staff from the Business School will be available to discuss the undergraduate, postgraduate, technician and professional programmes on offer in the Institute. Information will be available from the professional accounting bodies and the different pathways to a career in accounting.
The core GMIT accounting offering is the Bachelor of Business (hons ) in accounting, which continues to attract mature and standard CAO applicants eager to pursue a career in accounting. Those aspiring to study accounting on a part-time basis can pursue the Accounting Technicians Ireland (ATI ) qualification in the evenings over two years, while those who have completed the ACCA foundation level can study ACCA professional level on a part-time basis. The postgraduate diploma in accounting is designed for graduates of non-accounting degrees wishing to pursue employment opportunities in accounting.
GMIT is the only college in the west of Ireland offering the internationally recognised ACCA qualification on a full-time basis. The ACCA is recognised as the largest and fastest-growing global professional accountancy body with 586,000 students and members in 170 countries. ACCA Ireland has over 20,000 students and members.
For further information on accounting programmes and this open evening, contact Carmel Brennan, head of accounting and information systems, GMIT, on 091 742 266, email