Communities helping themselves

A novel new project was launched in the Erris area recently. The project called HOPE (Healthy Options Project Erris ) enables anyone who may feel a little isolated, or who might benefit from new social activities, to contact a project worker who will connect them with opportunities to bring this about. The project worker will meet with anyone who wants to improve their quality of life and together will design an individual plan of activity. It is the first such project in Ireland with a dedicated part time project worker delivering the initiative.

The local Primary Care team are very much part of the project and many GPs in the area are already referring people; in addition to people who self refer.

Maura Horkan, HOPE project worker said: “When I meet with somebody looking for support I talk to them about all the activities in the area such as recreation, exercise, education, opportunities for social interaction and the like. Together we make a plan suited to each person’s own interests and I help them to get started on whatever they want to pursue and if necessary even go with them when they meet the group they want to join. It gives many people something interesting to look forward to in their week and the potential benefits are enormous. People tell me it’s a great help to be supported to make that first step that often seems daunting on your own.”

Mary O’Sullivan, HSE West added, “The HSE is delighted to be supporting this very important community initiative. In these challenging, changing times more and more people are becoming isolated. I’m sure that the HOPE project will support many people living in Erris and provide them with new opportunities to meet other people and to improve their quality of life.”


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