Avoid tooth and mouth injuries with professional standard custom fitted mouth guards

In older children and adults, sports injuries are common. Dentists estimate that between 13 per cent and 39 per cent of dental injuries occur while playing sports. About 80 per cent of all dental injuries affect at least one of the front teeth. Damage to the tongue or cheek is common, too. Custom-fitting mouth guards are the best way of protecting teeth while playing sport. They act by absorbing energy from any blow and thus prevent (or at least vastly reduce ) the chance of costly and painful dental injury.

The ISHSKO Centre, Westport provides schools, clubs and individuals with the most mouth guards manufactured from the most sophisticated mouth guard manufacturer in the world. That is because SmileGuard is a part of the internationally renowned OPRO Group, supplying around 90,000 players a year from minis and juniors to full international players in most contact sports, including Henry “Western Warrior” Coyle. “This mouth guard provided to me by Dr Evelien, fits comfortably and does not give that nausea sensation caused by ill fitting prefab mouth guards.” Poorly fitting mouth guards cause breathing difficulties and if not worn at all can have major damage and cost to teeth and mouth.”

Mouth guards are available in a wide array of colours and thickness, so that all players can be sure they are wearing the best and are looking the best. The mouth guards include the CE mark and patients can also have the additional reassurance that the mouth guards are covered by the SmileGuard dental warranty scheme.

Contact The ISHKO Centre, Barrack Yard, Westport on 098 26200. Sports club discount available for orders over 15.


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