Cosy homes for Christmas with Glynn’s

Glynn’s Homevalue Energy Centre at Lakeside Retail Park, Claremorris, have recently taken in a stock of airtightness membranes and tapes from both SIGA and Ecological Building Systems.

Airtightness is a pre-requisite for anyone installing a heat recovery ventilation system and those aiming to achieve an “A” rated home. The objective of the excerise is to make the house airtight from outside draughts and to contain the heat inside the house. The products are very well priced with an average house costing approximately €1,500 in material to make it airtight. It is a job that can be done by anyone provided they receive some training, which Glynn’s would be happy to provide free of charge.

Builders and self builders are becoming more conscious of the need to seal around windows and doors. Blow door tests and thermal images show where heat is escaping from the building. Houses are like sieves so it is imperative to insulate, seal and ventilate in a controlled manner. As energy costs continue to increase it is vital that anyone building a house today builds a house for tomorrow. Glynn’s also offer fantastic value in bathrooms, flooring and stoves. For more information on airtightness and its benefits log on to or or contact Glynn’s Homevalue Energy Centre on 094 973 3897.


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