Grants available for BT Young Scientist travel and accommodation

The BT Travel and Accommodation Grant Scheme, created for students taking part in the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition, has provided financial aid totalling more than €300,000 through 834 grants to 335 schools across Ireland in the past seven years, of which schools in Mayo have received in excess of €10,000. Increased in 2012 to €75,000 per year, the BT grant is opening up the competition to a wider number of young people.

Speaking about the initiative, secondary school students from across Ireland have praised the grant scheme and its benefits. The grant has helped more students from across the country to participate in the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition.

Schools which are located more than 70km from the RDS can apply for a grant of €150 per individual entry or €300 for a group entry, up to a maximum of €1,500 per school.

The exhibition is organised by BT, one of the world’s leading communications and IT services companies. The closing date for project submissions for the 2013 exhibition is fast approaching – October 1 - and BT is hoping to break a new record for entry numbers.

The BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition will take place in the RDS, Dublin from January 9 – 12 2013. For more information on the exhibition, log onto, check out, follow them on twitter at


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