Runaway brides for hospice

If you would like to become a ‘Runaway Bride’ and get a chance to wear your wedding dress once again and show it off to the world, then Mayo Roscommon Hospice has the perfect event for you. It invites you to dust the cobwebs off the most expensive dress in your wardrobe and participate in a fundraising walk while raising funds for local palliative care services.

The Runaway Bride event consists of women dressing up in their bridal attire and taking to the streets of Belmullet for a two-mile run/walk or jog on Sunday September 9 at 3pm. Participants will line up at The Corner Bar, Belmullet, and the race will finish at the Broadhaven Bay Hotel where they will be greeted with a champagne reception and refreshments.

Entertainment will be provided by Stewart Moyles followed by a DJ so all ‘brides’ can party on until the small hours of the morning. Entry fee costs €10 and sponsorship cards are available from Linda Padden in The Corner Bar, Belmullet, by calling 086 056 4544.

Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation has a number of wedding dresses for sale in its charity shops across the region. For more information contact 094 938 8666.


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