Businesses in Castlebar invited to show their Irish side

Gnó Mhaigh Eo in conjunction with the Croí Chaisleán an Bharraigh Festival Committee is running a “Tóraíocht Taisce” (Shopping Treasure Hunt ) with a twist on Saturday, July 21 next. As part of Gnó Mhaigh Eo’s “Labhair Gaeilge Liom” (Speak Irish to Me ) campaign, all businesses in Castlebar are invited to get involved. The aim of the event is to encourage gach éinne ó Maigh Eo to come to Castlebar for the day, get the opportunity to practise their Irish and be in with a chance to win prizes and vouchers from Castlebar shops while they’re at it.

A clue or question based on each business will be given to the entrants who will then have to go into each business to get the answer to the clue or question. For this to work, each participating business will have to nominate a staff member(s ) happy to wear a “Labhair Gaeilge Liom” sticker. The entrants will have to find that staff member and speak to them through Irish to get the answer.

If each business in Castlebar gave a prize worth €20 that would be some prize-fund for the general public to be put right back in the businesses of Castlebar. If your business would like to take part and get Gaeilge beo arís i gCaisleán an Bharraigh please contact Gnó Mhaigh Eo on, 098 26555 by Wednesday July 11 to ensure entry

For a full program of events and details for competitions bí i do chara linn (Like Us ) ar facebook – heartofcastlebar nó gnomhaigheo agus bí ag éisteacht le Mid West Radio. Please help us promote business in Castlebar and the Irish language. “Scaip an Focal” go mbeidh Gaeilge ag an bhFéile.


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