New Cathaoirleach of Westport looks forward to the challenge

The new Cathaoirleach of Westport Town Council, Councillor Ollie Gannon, said that he looks forward to his new role with “enthusiasm and optimism”.

The Fine Gael councillor was elected at the town council’s AGM on Tuesday night after being proposed by Cllr Myles Staunton, who said that Cllr Gannon “represents the ordinary person on the street” and” is not afraid to speak his mind”. Cllr Gannon’s nomination was seconded by Cllr Tereasa McGuire who said that he was a “man of the people, for the people”.

Cllr Gannon said that during his year he hopes to see the commencement of work on the new civic offices at the convent building. He also wants to see a new facility for Westport United commence and looks forward to the works beginning on the town hall.

Cllr Gannon, a council representative on the Quay Committee, hopes that the new community centre at the Quay will be soon brought to fruition and he would like to see the clean up and landscaping of the Rockies, at Carrabawn—a burial site for many people who died during the Famine.

At the last town council meeting, out-going Cathaoirleach, Cllr Christy Hyland was commended on his “lucky year”; with the number of positive announcements and investments made in Westport during his year in office. Cllr Hyland said that he is now looking forward to “getting back into the trenches in the chamber”.


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