Commitment from Minister on National Positive Ageing Strategy

Minister Kathleen Lynch TD finally gave a commitment in the Seanad this week to publish the National Positive Ageing Strategy during 2012, the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.

 Patricia Conboy, director of Older and Bolder welcomed the commitment stating: “The Minister has responded to older people and their advocates who have campaigned for six long years for the publication of a National Positive Ageing Strategy.  This campaign has been sustained through two Programmes for Government and over the tenure of three Ministers for Older People.  Older and Bolder was delighted to hear Minister Lynch say on the public record that she is convinced she will publish the strategy by October 2012.” 

 The Minister made her commitment at a Seanad debate on the rights of older people.  Ms Conboy added “The fact that there was cross-party and Independent support during the Seanad for urgent action on the National Positive Ageing Strategy is especially encouraging.  Right now a planned approach to population ageing is vital. With reduced resources, Government cannot afford to make poor decisions.”

For further information please contact Patricia Conboy, 086-8822838 [email protected]


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