Do you dare come and see the eighth deadly sin unveiled?

Ireland’s premier mentalist, Keith Barry, returns to the Royal Theatre this September.

Keith Barry is now one of the world’s leading international mentalists. He was awarded the prestigious Merlin Award for Mentalist of the Year 2009 from the International Magicians Society.

Last year saw the airing of his latest Discovery Channel series, Deception with Keith Barry, in LA and he has now starred in more than 40 international TV shows which have been shown in 110 countries around the world.

After staging more than 75 sold out live shows of Keith Barry – The Asylum in 2011, and following rave reviews of his early 2012 tour, Ireland’s premier illusionist and mentalist returns to Irish shores for the final dates of his show Eight Deadly Sins.

Eight Deadly Sins is based around tireless research Barry completed on the existing Seven Deadly Sins, with an eighth one of his own added on for good measure. In the course of the show, Keith brings his audience on a rollercoaster ride of laughter, suspense, and amazement unlike anything they will ever have experienced before.

The show involves audience members falling into giant coffins, unaware of what fate will have in store for them when they land. Another routine sees people being selected at random to enter Keith’s confession box where he will be challenged to mentally extract their imaginary sins — reading their minds in the process.

Eight Deadly Sins also features a life-risking daredevil escape the likes of which has never been attempted before. Most importantly, the show is designed to keep the audience on the edge of their seats, crying with laughter, open mouthed in astonishment, and when they leave the Royal Theatre, their world as they know it, will have changed forever.

The show is staged at the Royal Theatre on Saturday September 1 at 8.30pm. Tickets €30 are on sale now from the Royal Box Office on 0818 300 000 or 094 902 3111. Also available online from and


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