Community service assessment for Ballyhaunis man who had to be pepper sprayed

Judge Mary Devins ordered a community service assessment for a Ballyhaunis man who pleaded guilty to a number public order offences in Ballyhaunis District Court this week. Bernie McDonagh of 48 The Maples, Ballyhaunis was arrested by gardai on December 18 2011 at 1.20am following a disturbance at his mother-in-law’s house in Ballyhaunis.

Garda Kieran McNicholas told the court that he and other gardai arrived on the scene following a call from the house. McDonagh was outside the house and shouting in at another man who, it transpired, was his brother-in-law. He was in a very intoxicated state. Gardai ordered him to leave the scene which he refused to do and then the other man he was arguing with came out of the house and both men began to get into a fight and the gardai were forced to use pepper spray to separate the men. The court was told that McDonagh had a number of previous convictions for public order offences in the past. Judge Mary Devins adjourned sentencing on McDonagh until June 6 to allow a community service assessment be carried out on McDonagh, where if suitable she will impose a 100-hour community service order on him in lieu of three months in prison.


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