Man who fixed his private parts in public remanded for sentencing

A Congolese national who pleaded guilty to public order charges in Castlebar District Court this Tuesday, was remanded in custody to appear today, Friday April 20 in Castlebar District Court for sentencing. The court was told that Yves Matondo, 36 Hilltop Crescent, Ballyhaunis Road, Claremorris entered a hair salon which was located on the first floor of a building on the main street of Claremorris on March 24, 2011 and asked for a comb. He went in and out of the salon on three occasions in total which caused staff and customers to become concerned. A member of staff and a customer looking out of a window later observed Matondo open his jeans and start fixing his private parts inside his jeans while he was looking up at them in the window of the salon.

Gardaí arrived on the scene after being called and asked him what he was doing, he said that he was fixing his jeans and that’s why he opened his belt. He was then ordered to leave the area by gardaí which he refused to do and was arrested.

Judge Mary Devins asked Matondo, why did he go in and out of the salon three times, did he know some of the women who were in there. He replied that he didn’t and he just wanted to get a comb because his hair was messy. Judge Devins told him not to lie to the court and remanded him to appear for sentencing today.


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