Top tips for feet

The recent fine weather has many of us reaching for our sandals and wishing that our feet were up to this sudden exposure. There are some simple things that we can do to improve the appearance and health of our feet which is important to all ages in remaining healthy, independent, and mobile.

Choosing shoes

Shoes should have a fastening strap or laces, a rounded toe box which has enough depth to accommodate the toes, and a low, wide heel for more stability. Fit the shoe to the activity, ie, runners for walking, and save the heels for special occasions.

Dry skin

We can experience drier skin conditions in the warmer weather as our feet are more exposed. Sometimes cracks or fissures develop, especially around the heels, and these can bleed if they are very deep. Start a daily routine of washing, filing off callus, then moisturising. Don’t soak feet for longer than 10 minutes as this leads to drier skin.

Ingrown toenails

Always cut nails straight across, don’t be tempted to poke or tear at the sides of the nail as this can easily lead to infection and increased pain. Rough skin down the sides of the nail can be gently removed with a soft toothbrush.

Always consult a podiatrist if you are concerned with your own foot health — Deborah Sheridan, FootSure, The Square, Claremorris. Contact her on 087 980 7322.


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