Martial arts expert to give Westport seminar

Dennis Martin, the world's leading CQB trainer, returns to Westport to give a weekend seminar in Hotel Westport on Saturday and Sunday November 29 and 30.

This two-day intensive open seminar contains three programmes which will cover hard skills, mindset and the ACE programme and is suitable for novices as well as those experienced in self defence, so first-time trainees can join in alongside those who have experience.

Dennis Martin, a martial artist for 40 years, whose book, Working with Warriors, has just been published, has spent his entire adult life involved in frontline security and is a world authority on personal combat, CQB, self defence and close protection. He has trained military and law enforcement teams in many countries around the world.

John Brawn, who has organised the event, is delighted that Denis is coming back to Westport after his very successful seminar last year. The course is strictly limited with pre-pay only places (for one or both days ) so book your place early to avoid disappointment. No previous training is required and relevant handout material is included. Kitlist: bring focus mitts/impact pads, notebook and pen and a bottle of water.

For further information contact John Brawn on 086 817 1482 or email [email protected] or visit


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