Go with your gut instincts

A Vogel's Molkosan is a natural whey based herbal remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the intestinal tract to help improve overall gut health and so promote a happy healthy digestive system.

An over indulgence of rich food and alcohol, overuse of antibiotics, and increased stress levels are just some of the contributing factors which destroy essential friendly bacteria and lead to a poor digestive system.

Your gut should be buzzing with good bacteria which produce L+ lactic acid creating a healthy environment in which food can be broken down and nutrients absorbed, and where cells belonging to the immune system can happily go about their business.

For many people, maintaining a healthy digestion seems to feel too much of an effort but improving things could not be easier if you observe some simple steps:

Drink one and a half to two litres of plain water daily.

Drink herbal teas rather than coffee, tea, and fizzy drinks.

Boost your circulation with exercise, at least a brisk 10 minute walk in the fresh air daily to get the lymphatic system and lungs working.

Cut down on processed foods and alcohol.

Eat more fruit, vegetables, and wholefoods.

Relax. Unwind for at least 30 minutes before going to bed to encourage better sleep.

Repopulate the good bacteria in your gut with the help of a natural source of L+ lactic acid contained in A Vogel's Molkosan.

Molkosan is a great source of minerals such as potassium and calcium that stimulates the stomach by restoring its natural pH, taken daily in the form of a refreshing citrus flavoured drink it will help maintain a healthy intestinal flora due to its natural lactic acid content.

You will find A Vogel Herbal remedies supplied in all good quality health food stores and selected pharmacies, but for more information on stockists, as well as details on the full A Vogel range, visit www.avogel.ie


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