Campbell’s Tavern has something for everyone this Christmas

Campbell’s Tavern in Cloughanover is the place to be for music lovers this Christmas period, beginning this evening, December 16 at 9pm with the Home for Christmas show with Matt Cunningham his family and friends at 9pm. This year’s show is in aid of Ability West and special guests on the night will include John Duggand and All Ireland Sean Nós Dancing Champion Padraig Hopkins. Admission for the show is €15.

On Sunday afternoon this weekend, December 18 it’s the turn of the Cloughanover Music School, who will be putting on a free performance from 3pm, one for music lovers everywhere. That will be followed at 6pm by the annual tree lighting ceremony, where family fun and Christmas Carols galore will be to the fore. On Thursday night December 22, with Christmas coming fast The Deans, featuring our own local man Ronan Lally, will take to the stage at 9.30pm for an unmissable night of entertainment, admission is €8 for this show.

When the turkey has been finished off, Campbell’s Tavern will be ready to roll once more on St Stephen’s Day, with the Leftover Session kicking things off at 6pm and they will be followed by the legendary The Tav Jam Band from 9.30pm. What better way is there to roll into 2012 than with the 13th annual New Year’s Eve Party. Festivities kick off at 8.30pm and will go on right through till the new year. The Timbertramps will be leading the line-up at the party, while a monster trad session will take place in the front bar. Admission is €10 and early booking is advised for this event. The new year kicks off in style with the first ever Cloughanover pantomime, performing Hansel and Gretel over three nights from January 3 through January 5.

With plenty more lined up for the new year including the regular trad sessions on Wednesday night and country bluegrass on Wednesdays, Campbells Tavern, Cloughanover is the place to be. For more information on any of the events contact Campbells Tavern on 086 2220553 or log on to


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