O’Mahony welcomes funding for local recycling facilities

Fine Gael TD for Mayo, John O'Mahony, has welcomed the decision by the Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan, to provide €5 million to support recycling facilities in local authorities. The money will be used for the operation of bring banks and civic amenity facilities.

The funding is provided from the Environment Fund; its resources come from the plastic bag and landfill levies. The Minister is allocating €180,015 to Mayo County Council. This funding will ensure that local authorities can continue to improve their waste management infrastructure.

Deputy O’Mahony said: “The Minister for the Environment's decision to allocate €5 million in funding to assist local authorities in the operation of their bring banks and civic amenity facilities is most welcome. The allocation of the funding demonstrates the Government's commitment to improving the environment and to making our communities more sustainable even in these challenging economic times.”


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