New Mayo Medical Academy for Mayo General Hospital

Mayo General Hospital, in a unique partnership with the National University of Ireland, Galway and the GMIT in Castlebar, is developing a new medical academy for the training of doctors at the Castlebar site.

The Mayo Medical Academy will receive its first batch of 20 student doctors in early January 2012 and a further batch of 20 students in September. These students will spend a total period of 20 weeks at Mayo General Hospital. Each medical student will rotate through five modules, each of four weeks duration. The content of the teaching programme is laid down by the medical school at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

The development of the Mayo Medical Academy is a strategic investment by the National University of Ireland, Galway. The fact that GMIT has agreed to work with the hospital and the university in setting up the academy will ensure that Castlebar will have the highest quality facilities, expertise, and training.

Kevin Barry, consultant surgeon, has recently been appointed as Dean of Medical Education at Mayo General Hospital on behalf of the medical school at the National University of Ireland in Galway. Four medical tutors from various clinical specialities at Mayo General Hospital and a secretary have also been appointed.

Kevin Barry said: “This development of the academy means that Mayo General Hospital will become part of an officially recognised teaching network. I believe that everybody will accept in time that this development is of strategic importance to the hospital itself and will help to safeguard the future viability of Mayo General Hospital during these recessionary times.”

Charlie Meehan, general manager, Mayo General Hospital, has welcomed the development, stating: “The development of a teaching academy at Mayo General Hospital comes at a critical time in the reform of our health services nationally. The development of a teaching academy at Mayo General Hospital will enhance the hospital’s reputation and contribute over time to even higher standards of patient care in all of our clinical departments.”


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