Taoiseach condemns ‘drink culture’ Ireland

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, who launched Mayo’s first Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week, said that a “drink culture” Ireland was not the type of country anybody wanted.

The Taoiseach pointed out that there are over 100 deaths a month in Ireland because of alcohol and 2,000 hospital beds are occupied every night because of alcohol related issues. Three in every 10 hospital emergency cases are alcohol related. “One in four deaths among 15 to 34-year-olds is due to alcohol,” he said. “We can’t ignore the fact that so many more are dying from alcohol.”

The Taoiseach said that there was no single intervention to address Ireland’s high levels of drinking, in particular binge drinking. He praised the organisers of the awareness week for taking a first important step in exploring and challenging people’s attitudes to drug and alcohol use in Mayo.

A report published by the Health Research Board last July found that Mayo has a particularly tragic relationship with alcohol. It came out worst in Ireland in alcohol related deaths and deaths among people who were alcohol dependent.

The Western Region Drugs Task Force (WRDTF ), initiators of the week, said that they would be lobbying for legislative change around the media advertising of alcohol. They also said that they would be looking for a reduction in the density and hours of operation for outlets selling alcohol.

The Awareness Week is being organised in partnership with South West Mayo Development Company and Mayo North East LEADER Partnership.  

Pat Conway, WRDTF community liaison officer, said that the strong emphasis on alcohol was in response to the recognition that it is by far the most commonly used substance in the region. “The inclusion of alcohol is a complex issue as it is seen as a major part of the Irish culture and holds social significance,” he said.  “However, we cannot ignore its prevalence and its damaging impact on this region and throughout the country.

“Alcohol is also seen as a gateway to illicit drug use, particularly for young people. It is recognised as one of the main substances used in polydrug use,” he concluded.


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