Minister Ring relaunches Link2BActive Sports Programme for unemployed in Mayo

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring, together with the Chairman of the Mayo Sports Partnership Henry Kenny, relaunched Link2BActive, an initiative from the Mayo Sports Partnership that seeks to provide opportunities in sport/physical activity for unemployed in Mayo.

In the last two years unemployment levels in Mayo have risen quite dramatically to approximately 13,000. Being unemployed can be a very frustrating experience, is a time of great financial stress and it can drain people of their energy and affect their physical and mental health.

In speaking about the positive nature of the initiative Minister Ring commented, “ I am delighted to see sports and leisure facilities in the county working with the Sports Partnership in making their facilities more accessible and affordable for sections of the community who need it most”.

With Link2BActive, Mayo Sports Partnership is looking to link in jobseekers with the local facilities such as gyms, leisure centres, all weather pitches, golf clubs and other facilities where, coincidentally, pressure is also on from people dropping off due to economic constraints.

It has asked local sports providers to come up with an offer, complete with terms and conditions, for the use of their facilities by jobseekers. Mayo Sports Partnership has developed a page on its website with all the links to these facility offers. In phase one of the programme approximately 20 facilities participated in the initiative with varying levels of success.


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