Student found in possession of cannabis

A theatre student, who when searched by gardaí under the misuse of drugs act was found in possession of €55 worth of cannabis, was convicted at Ballina District Court on Tuesday.

Ronan Colhoun, Rappa, Knockanillaun, Ballina, was stopped and searched by gardaí on July 11 at 8.30pm. When the cannabis was found, Colhoun admitted that it was his and for his own personal use.

The defendant has no previous drug convictions.

Judge Mary Devins asked if the defendant had informed gardaí as to where he had purchased the drugs, as if so, or if he were willing to, he would avoid getting a conviction recorded. Colhoun had not named, nor did he want to name, the person from whom he bought the drugs.

Judge Devins convicted and fined Colhoun €50.


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