New consultant endocrinologist should help Mayo diabetes sufferers

Fine Gael TD for Mayo, John O’Mahony, has warmly welcomed the news that funding has been approved for the recruitment of a consultant endocrinologist for Mayo General Hospital.

Deputy O’Mahony said: “Having lobbied for this position to be created for some time now, I am delighted that Mayo General Hospital will be getting a consultant endocrinologist. This will provide life-changing support to the five per cent of people in Mayo suffering from diabetes, not to mention other conditions like osteoporosis and thyroid diseases.

“An endocrinologist is a specially trained doctor who can diagnose conditions that affect the glands including diabetes, thyroid disease, osteoporosis, and metabolic disorders. People in Mayo with these conditions and their loved ones will no doubt welcome this news.”

The Deputy added: “In Mayo it is estimated that on average five per cent of the population suffers from diabetes, 95 per cent have type 1 and five per cent have type 2, so this appointment should certainly benefit people living with this condition.

“I am particularly gratified by this news because it is an issue which is close to my heart. I have made continued representations to the HSE West and the Department of Health and Children for this appointment to be made.”


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