Rose of Carrandine crowned

The Rose of Carrandine 2008, who was crowned last Saturday night in an awards ceremony held in Manulla Community Centre, was Mary Louise McDonald from Facefield, Barnacarroll. Mary Louise was selected from 14 roses aged between 17 and 21 years from Mayo and Galway to become the ninth Rose of Carrandine.

Mary Louise, a student in Balla Secondary School, was chosen to be the new rose due to her outstanding on-stage performance and party-piece. She was presented with a cheque for €300, an exclusive piece of Newbridge silver, flowers and professional portrait photography. Runners-up received professional portrait photography and a trinket to remember the occasion.

On the night Balla No Name Club also announced their new host and hostess for the club’s activities in 2009, Sean Galligan and Olivia Murphy. The outgoing hosts and hostesses received certificates in recognition of their participation and hard work.


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