Conway-Walsh condemns closure of Belmullet beds

Confirmation by the HSE of the closure of 19 beds in Belmullet Hospital this week and the deafening silence of our Government TDs and our Taoiseach is devastating for the people of Erris and the surrounding areas, according to Sinn Féin councillor Rose Conway-Walsh.

“For the past 18 months we have fought to maintain full services at Belmullet Hospital,” Cllr Conway-Walsh said. “From this week, only 20 beds will remain open. Those who supported the campaign when in opposition turned their backs on us once they got elected. The people of Erris will never forget.

“The most vulnerable people in our community will suffer,” she added. “Elderly people and their carers will be most affected. I meet carers every day of the week who are completely exhausted. Now their chances of getting respite care is slim. This is further compounded by the severe cutbacks in home help.

“Even at this late stage I am appealing to people to put pressure on Fine Gael TDs in Mayo to leave the beds open and to immediately fill the vacant physiotherapist post so that people can be cared for in their own community.”


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