Pregnancy massage can help mums cope with pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of enormous change, especially if it is your first pregnancy. Not only is your body changing but powerful emotions tug at you as you journey along the path to motherhood. Some women seem to travel this path more easily than others.

This century, pregnancy has almost become an illness rather than a healthy time of our lives. Health professionals can offer a lot during pregnancies but they can undermine your inner confidence. During pregnancy you can learn a lot about your body and be more in touch with your intuitive side.

Pregnancy massage can help you be more in tune with yourself. It gives you the space and time to relax your weary body and allows you to connect with your baby. Treatments are tailored to suit the individual mum/baby and include pre and post natal support through massage, gentle exercises and Shiatsu (accupressure ). Later on birth preparation and working with the birth partner, if desirable, can empower the couple in helping to cope with birth. Treatments are available to suit your needs and budget.


“As this is my second pregnancy I found the massage very relaxing, a chance to switch off and connect to baby. Yvonne has an intuitive touch.” Colleen, Newport

“My partner and I used massage techniques and breathing exercises in labour which Yvonne recommended to us which helped ease discomfort.” Vera, Westport

Yvonne Healy, APNT massage in pregnancy (well-mother accredited ), telephone 087 959 3935, email [email protected].


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