Slight drop in numbers signing on in the west

The latest statistics from the CSO show that there was a tiny decrease of 18 people signing on the Live Register in the west for August.

The figures illustrate unemployment in Mayo, Roscommon, Galway city, and Galway county with a total of 43,542 unemployed in these areas in August 2011; a decrease from 43,560 in July 2011. In comparison to last year, the figure is up from 43,516 in August 2010.

Breaking down these statistics, 8,208 of those signing on in August were under 25 with the remaining 35,334 being over 25. More men (26,924 ) than women (16,68 ) are unemployed in the west, however the number of women signing on last month increased by 148 compared to those on the Live Register in July.

Nationally there was an increase of 1,600 people on the Live Register than recorded in July; up 2,790 on August 2010.


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