Get fit at Fitnessworks for less than €5 a week

Fitnessworks, located on Hill Street, Ballina, offers a quality, friendly, fully equipped unisex gym. Ladies’ only (30 minute circuit ) shape and tone studio; vibroplates; men’s weights room; showers/changing rooms; aerobics studio; weekly weigh-in/assessments; qualified instructors/personal trainers — all for less than €5 a week.

The ladies’ only shape and tone studio is the only one of its kind in north Mayo. It offers total privacy and consists of a 30 minute combined cardio and resistance circuit, that delivers excellent weight loss/toning results in a matter of weeks.

The men’s weights room is second to none in the country, with leg-press, multi-functional cable crossover, power cages, Olympic benches, various other benches, dead lift area, etc, 2/60Kg dumbbells and up to 800kg plates.

Classes in boxercise, circuits, fitness Pilates, aerobics, toning, etc, will resume in early September.

The only guaranteed way to obtain and maintain a fit, toned, and healthy body is through regular, weekly, cardio/resistance workouts at various intensities, depending on age, fitness levels, etc, and adhering to a healthy balanced diet.

Fitnessworks has made fitness accessible and affordable to everyone in Ballina and surrounding areas, so why not make it a part of your life?

Feel good and look good, because fitness really does work.

Fitnessworks is open seven days a week — Monday to Friday from 8am to 10pm; on Saturday from 10am to 8pm; Sunday from 12 noon to 6pm.

Phone: 096 75811; 087 130 9685.


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