Green deputy has damaged reputation of public representatives

Dear Editor,

The behaviour of Green Party Deputy Paul Gogarty concerning the cuts to school funding, whereby he publicly states that in "all credibility" he cannot stand by the education cuts, only to vote with the government on the issue, damages the political system and politicians.

By trying to portray himself simultaneously as both the opposition and the government on this issue, Deputy Gogarty, by his hypocrisy, plays up to the worst fears of the electorate, who are tired of electing councillors and TDs who say one thing and do the other.

As a young councillor I had hoped that in the 21st century we were leaving this type of gombeen politics behind us but it seems to be thriving. Because of the likes of Deputy Gogarty the reputation of public representatives of all parties is damaged.

Yours sincerely,

Councillor Keith Martin

Westport Town Council


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