Mayo class sizes biggest in country

Fine Gael Mayo Deputy John O’Mahony has found out through a parliamentary question that 2007/2008 school year figures show two classes in Mayo of 40 pupils or over and 2,065 with between 30 and 39 pupils. Since this is the situation before Fianna Fáil’s budget cutbacks come into effect, Deputy O’Mahony said the future for Mayo schools looked very bleak.

“I well remember, along with parents and children from all over Mayo, attending packed meetings before the last election where Fianna Fáil promised that class sizes would be reduced. Their betrayal is now complete.

“Mayo is the only county in the country with two classes of 40 pupils or over. Clare, Meath and Dublin City have one class of over 40 each: 2,065 Mayo pupils are taught in classes of 30 to 39 pupils, while 8,087 are taught in classes of 20 to 29.

“The reality for Mayo pupils makes a mockery of the Education Minister’s attempts to suggest his budget cutbacks will have a minimal effect. The truth is these class sizes are only going to get worse when the cuts come in as this Government forces school children to pay for their mishandling of the public finances,” said Dep O’Mahony.


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