Brain injury support group

BRI is a national brain injury advocacy and support organisation, which co-ordinates support groups throughout Ireland.

There are 10,000 strokes each year, there are 10,000 head traumas each year, and there are 50,000 people in Ireland living with long-term disabilities as a result of a brain injury.

Tips to survive brain injury


Share responsibility of care with other family members whenever possible. Talk to professionals and friends about the problems you are having. Group/individual counselling and respite breaks are recommended.

Try to keep the person you are caring for motivated. Giving clear and concise instructions will help with communication difficulties.

The brain heals itself very slowly, so don’t expect a huge recovery in the short term.

Stay calm and try to act as normal as possible as this will help the person with the injury to feel at ease.

Person with injury:

Don’t compare yourself to any other person with a head injury. Every head injury is different.

Have patience and allow yourself time to recover and don’t try to do too much too soon. The healing process cannot be rushed.

If you have memory problems keep a diary/personal organiser and seek professional help, it is available.

Stay positive and try to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses.

Avail of opportunities to get out and about and meet people to keep your spirits up.

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