Supports for former self-employed highlighted in new booklet

A booklet has been launched which provides supports and information for the self-employed and former self-employed in Ireland by the Citizen Information Service.

The booklet has been welcomed by Castlebar Sinn Féin councillor Therese Ruane who has called for supports to alleviate the plight of the former self-employed who are falling through the cracks in the current social welfare system.

According to Cllr Ruane, who has been “inundated by people who were self employed but now find themselves without work”, sub contractors and small retailers make up the bulk of the cases.

“The majority weren’t the big earners during the Celtic Tiger; most worked for a weekly wage. As self employed people they could not legally make 10.75 per cent rate of PRSI contribution and now they're being penalised. Many are struggling to survive and to meet their mortgage repayments, loan repayments, the costs of day to day living. They need the support of the State but when they apply for social welfare assistance, they are told they don’t qualify.”

This situation is impacting in a negative way on new business ventures and entrepreneurship, according to Cllr Ruane, who said these are things that are badly needed in the current economic recession. “Many entrepreneurs with sound business ideas are reluctant to set up a business; in the event of a venture not working, they will then be denied social welfare and will have nothing to support themselves or their families,” she pointed out.

“This booklet is a great source of information on supports for the self-employed. However, an immediate response is needed to alleviate the plight of families who are falling through the cracks in current social welfare provision.”


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