Castlebar woman is one of 5 In a Bed at Galway Shopping Centre

A Castlebar woman is one of five radio fans who have taken up the challenge of living in one bed with four others for seven days, all to win €5,000 worth of prizes. Claire Burke from Castlebar is taking part in i102-104’s 5 In A Bed at Galway Shopping Centre where they have been living in a shop window for the last week.

The five contestants have shared one bed for the week and their every move has been monitored by staff at the radio station, while movements are streamed on i102-104’s website The five finalists battled it out from hundreds of entries and underwent psychological assessment before they were admitted to the shop window last Friday. Without phones, watches and clocks, the contestants have no idea of what is happening in the outside world and were allowed to bring only one luxury item each into the camp.

The contestants have been set daily tasks including donning bright pink bras with two eggs inside; a challenge which saw them aim not to break the eggs during tough exercises. Others include singing and dancing for passing shoppers at Galway Shopping Centre, playing badminton in a bed for five hours straight and Twister with a difference. Irish club land classics and annoying tunes have been pumped out through the stereo system on loop constantly, in a effort to see which contestant will pack up their bags first.

However, all five have remained firmly in the bed, with the aim of winning €5,000 worth of prizes from Galway Shopping Centre. Today (Friday ) will see the grand finale of the competition when the winner of i102-104’s 5 In a Bed will be crowned.


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