How to secure a public art commission

The first event in the Connect professional development programme gives artists the unique opportunity to find out exactly what happens in a public art judging panel and experience examples of artists’ applications, by becoming a panel member of a public art selection process.

Developed with artist Aideen Barry, the Fake Public Art Panel day will allow 12 artists to assess a range of applications, all fake, but based on real examples that are submitted for commissions. The participants will get a great insight into the style, quality, and content of applications, how much time each judge spends looking at the applications and how decisions are reached.

The idea for this session came from the Public Art Co-ordinator, Gaynor Seville, who recognised that many artists were regularly making similar errors and limiting their chances of being considered for commissions.

Professional visual artist Aideen Barry has a wealth of experience, both as an artist who submits proposals for public art commissions and as a selection panel judge. She has developed this initiative and will chair the day along with Gaynor Seville. At the end of the Fake Judging Panel there will be a presentation from Aideen and Gaynor outlining the key dos and don’ts of submitting public art applications.

This event is free and lunch will be provided. To express interest in applying for one of the limited places email Gaynor at [email protected] outlining where you are based and why you want to attend. The event is open to all artists, working in all artforms. If it is oversubscribed priority will be given to Mayo-based artists.

Expressions of interest should be submitted by Monday May 16 and successful artists will be informed of their place on Wednesday May 18. The event takes place on Saturday June 4 from 10.30am to 5pm at Lough Lannagh Holiday Village, Castlebar, and will be repeated in October.


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