Ruane calls for abolition of Universal Social Charge

Sinn Féin councillor Thérèse Ruane is calling for the abolition of the Universal Social Charge. Describing this tax as a grossly unfair and regressive tax, she will be seeking the support of her colleagues on Castlebar Town Council at next week's monthly meeting for its abolition.

Cllr Ruane explained: “The abolition of the Universal Social Charge is an issue which demands the full support of the members of Castlebar Town Council. It is a tax on the working poor. A person earning as little as €77 per week is affected by this tax whereas someone earning €30,000 per year and upwards is better off under the Universal Social Charge system.

“It is not acceptable that low income workers, including medical card holders, working lone parents and working widows, who were exempt from the health and income levies which the Universal Social Charge replaced, are affected most. The bottom line is that the Universal Social Charge is an unjust and regressive tax, affecting those who can least afford it the most. It needs to be abolished and replaced by a fairer tax system that taxes fairly and equalises wealth.”

Cllr Ruane has met and consulted with retailers and local tradespeople in Mayo who have told her this tax is having a crippling effect on consumer spending in the local economy and leading to further job losses in the retail sector.

“Fine Gael and Labour have said that they will ‘review’ the Universal Social Charge. A review is not good enough. I am appealing to members of Castlebar Town Council to make a stand and support my motion calling for the abolition of this grossly unfair tax,” she concluded.


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