Suspended sentence for man found urinating in laneway

A Ballina man with 39 previous convictions appeared before Ballina District Court this week on foot of public order charges after an incident occurred after he was observed urinating in a laneway.

Garda Petrina Devery outlined that Ashley Stevens, 84 Lord Edward Street, Ballina, was on June 16 urinating in a lane way close to O’Rahilly Street, where a large crowd had gathered to watch a concert. The defendant told Gda Devrey that he was banned from all the pubs in Ballina and was urinating there as that “was what the laneway was for”.

After the garda asked Stevens to leave the area he began shouting at her and continued to be abusive and agressive towards her. He continued this behaviour on two other occasions after he was again asked to leave the area. Gda Devrey then tried to arrest the defendant, however as he was so agressive that other gardaí had to assist and restrain him.

While he was being restrained Stephen Moore, 11 Ashpool, Bachelors Walk, Ballina, tried to intervene in the arrest. Moore was intoxicated and became violent towards the gardaí — swinging out at them. Moore also had to be physically restrained. Both defendants were brought to Ballina Garda Station.

According to defending solicitor Marc Loftus, Moore, who has previous public order offences, apologised on the day of the incident, which occurred after he had been drinking. The defendant has since completed a 12-week course in Cuain Mhuire.

Mr Loftus also told the court that Stevens’ actions were completely 100 per cent drink related and that he is looking to address his drink problem.

For the section six public order offence, Judge Mary Devins convicted and fined Stevens €300, with his cash bail going towards the fine and sentenced him to 28 days in prison which was suspended for 12 months. Moore was convicted and fined €150.


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