New car sales surpass forty thousand

Figures just out from SIMI show that 40,978 new cars have so far been sold this year, an increase of 14 per cent on last year.

Speaking on the milestone, SIMI’s director general Alan Nolan said: “It’s good to be able to report that it’s not all bad news out there in the economy, there is still some positivity. With new car sales up by more than 5,000 on last year, the scrappage scheme is continuing to help attract motorists to showrooms and the lower asking prices, even for non-scrappage cars, are encouraging consumers to buy now.”

However Mr Nolan said that the figures have to be seen in context, “as they remain a long way off the levels achieved in the very buoyant era of 2007 and earlier. There is no doubt that consumers are still being fairly cautious, and we really do need to see consumer confidence beginning to lift.

“Consumers are still interested in taking advantage of a good deal when one is available and this is reflected in the continuing strength of new car sales,” he added. “All in all, the industry remains cautiously optimistic as the signs so far this year are encouraging


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