CARI thanks you

On behalf on CARI (Children At Risk in Ireland ), Karen Conway would like to thank everyone who attended its fundraising table quiz recently.

Thank you to: Rocky Moran and his staff for their assistance in holding the quiz; John McNicholas for compiling the quiz; John Gleeson for providing a PA system; Orla Cunningham for her poster design; Monica Voignier, Maggie Cafferty, Sinead Finnegan and Jimmy Murphy for all their assistance during the quiz; everyone who donated a prize to the quiz/raffle: Agape Restaurant, Downtown Records, Paddy Faheys, Head to Toe, Henaghans Health Shop, Lyons Late ‘n' Early, Mulroys Bar, Sandy's Hair Saloon, Durcans, McAuliffes, O'Donnells and Rowlands Chemists.

Due to requests on the night a second quiz has been agreed for November 18 at the same venue. Further information on CARI's services for children can be found on


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